Even if machine elements under pressure are firmly bolted to one another, there is still a so-called static seal gap that must be sealed. O-Rings – or O-Rings with back rings for improved extrusion stability – are most commonly used. If the requirements are more specialized, one-piece sealing elements made of polyurethane come into use. For example, the requirements may involve gaps for breathing due to major pipe expansion, short pressure rise times or alternating operating pressures. MHEC offers the most suitable cover seal for any application. They stand for the highest possible operating security and extrusion stability.
About Us
During our 20+ year history, the company has continually innovated and responded to the changing needs of our customers, introducing unique new products, advancing O-ring and seal material science, and developing expert engineering services.
23 No. Hakim Building ,
Hemmat Bridge,
Ashrafi Esfahani Expy, Tehran.
+98 (21) 4444 6917, +98 (21) 4685 0908
Opening Hours
Sat-Wed: 8:00-17:00
Thu: 8:00-12:00